1. FORUMS: http://forums.gardenweb.com/forums/verm/?16728
The Vermicomposting Forum at Garden web is the best source to go to for for expert advice. Kind and friendly to “Newbies” and challenging to the more experienced worm farmer.
2. ANATOMY OF WORMS: http://www.vermitech.com/worms.htm
The Biology of Earthworms is a brief description of the anatomy and other aspects of worms.
3. WORM PESTS: http://www.happydranch.com/invertebrates.html
The Happy D Ranch has excellent section on Worm Pests – with Photos.
4. WORM SPECIES: https://www.vermitechnology.com/index.php?show_aux_page=11
A site that has some good descriptions and photos of worm types.
5. WORMS FOR BAIT OR FISH FOOD: http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/FA016
The Culture of Earthworms for Bait or Fish Food – this is an excellent technical publication for anyone, needing to know more about this topic.
6. COMMERCIAL WORM FARMING: http://www.organicagcentre.ca/DOCs/Vermiculture_FarmersManual_gm.pdf
Manual of On-Farm Vermicomposting and Vermiculture By Glenn Munroe of Organic Centre of Canada.